THE west coast tour

A roadtrip From San Francisco to Los Angeles, and one week in Portland.

After a cousin's wedding in Chicago, I flew to San Francisco, California to join a friend from my days at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After exploring Pier 39 the day and night that I arrived, we toured Alcatraz Island the following day. The next morning we set out from San Francisco in our rental car to take CA-1 from the north side of the golden gate bridge south towards Los Angeles. Knowing that we would be spending the night in Monterey, we checked in, and then continued to Carmel-By-The-Sea. This town is a must visit if you are around this part of the Pacific coast.

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After spending the night in Monterey, we started off the day by shelling out the $10 (at the time) and taking 17 Mile Drive around the golf courses at Pebble Beach. It was a hazy morning that gave the day that classic Northern California seaside atmosphere.

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After rushing down the coast after spending a bit too long at basically every stop that we made. We got into Los Angeles just after it started getting really dark. Only a little concerning for West Hollywood. 

Hello, World!


The Southwest Trip

Two weeks in August

In August


The West Coast Tour

Two weeks in late fall

A roadtrip From San Francisco to Los Angeles, and one week in Portland.

After a cousin's wedding in Chicago, I flew to San Francisco, California to join a friend from my days at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After exploring Pier 39 the day and night that I arrived, we toured Alcatraz Island the following day. It was